Celebrating more than 25 years of publishing excellence

From Capitalism to Civilization

Reconstructing the Socialist Perspective

Samir Amin

April 2010

6.25 x 9.5 inches

(xii+192) 204 pages

ISBN : 978-81-89487-64-5

INR 300
INR 300.00
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The history of ‘actually existing’ capitalism is one of the conquest and submission of Asia, Africa and Latin America to the imperialist rule of Europe, the United States and Japan. The twentieth century witnessed the first wave of liberation of nations of the South, and the 21st century will see the emergence of a second wave of emancipation of these countries, which will change the face of the world. The simultaneous anti-imperialist dimension of the struggles in these nations will pose a challenge to capitalism. Decisive advances towards socialism in the 21st century will create the basis for a revival of internationalism among working classes peoples of the world, as against the cosmopolitanism of the oligarchies who currently manage capitalist-imperialist globalization.

Samir Amin

Samir Amin (1931–2018) is a reputed author of numerous books. He was an active and committed intellectual associated with liberation movements of Asia and Africa during the Bandung era (1955–1980), and was Director of the Third World Forum and Chairperson of the World Forum for Alternatives.

‘As far as theoretical exposition and an analytical treatise on the political economy of the planet go, Samir Amin’s From Capitalism to Civilization is remarkably concise…. [T]his book rises way above the pedantic [by] the sheer sweep, scope and dimension of Amin’s vision.’

Paranjoy Guha Thakurta, Biblio