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Forthcoming Titles
  1. Revolution Within

    T.K. Anandi


    INR 825.00
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  2. Centring Disability

    Tanmoy Bhattacharya


    INR 1,400.00
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  3. Capitalism and Individual Freedom

    Prabhat Patnaik

    This book is a discussion of the nature and limits of liberalism. By the term ‘liberalism’ here, the author means the doctrine that gets its most typical exemplification in what have come to be c [...]
    INR 700.00
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Recent Titles
  1. AfroAsian Musical Imaginaries

    This book contains a selection of papers presented at a colloquium on [...]

    INR 520.00
  2. Decolonization and Humanism

    Himani Bannerji

    The essays in this collection examine the social and political thought of acclaimed poet and [...]

    INR 995.00
  3. Embedding Subversion and Gender Identity

    Enakshi Nandi

    Embedding Subversion and Gender Identity opens a window onto the world of the hijra-koti community in West Bengal, India. The book seeks to contextualize the communi [...]

    INR 950.00
  4. Gender in Agrarian Transitions

    This book advances contemporary debates on the evolution of patriarchal institutions in agrarian transitions and the struggles for women’s liberation today. It focuses on the complexities of agra [...]

    INR 1,200.00
  5. Leela Mukherjee

    Leela Mukherjee (1916–2003) was one the first women sculptors of modern India. Born in Kar [...]

    INR 2,000.00
  6. Another Lens

    Another Lens: Photography and the Emergence of Image Culture, vo [...]

    INR 1,500.00
  7. A Pottery Story

    The book is a simple commemoration of the work of master potter Ira Chaudhuri over seven decades – primarily through more than 150 images of her works, juxtaposed with quotes from the artist. It [...]

    INR 2,500.00
  8. The King’s Plunder, The King’s Bodies

    Rahul Govind

    This book focuses on the King’s rights of conquest, plunder and prize, as well as allegiance and subjecthood, establishing a monarchical form of the British Empire between 1600 and 1900, notwiths [...]

    INR 1,350.00